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Dentipet Toothpaste for Dogs and Cats

Rating 4/5 based on 2 Reviews

Price Starts From $22.22

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Dentipet Toothpaste for Dogs and Cats

Dentipet Toothpaste is an advanced dental hygiene product designed for dogs and cats. With a composition of gentle abrasives, polishing agents, and sodium pyrophosphate, it provides optimal cleaning and prevents dental diseases.

Regular use of Dentipet Toothpaste reduces plaque build-up, provides fresh breath, and helps build a good dental hygiene regime. It is available in two flavors; chicken and beef, making it palatable for the pet. Additionally, the paste has an oil-free formulation and comes in a non-spill tub, diminishing the possibility of stains on clothes or furniture.

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Nice toothpaste. Keeps my cat's mouth clean and smelling good.

Greg Aug 12, 2024


Dentipet helped me develop a dental care routine.

Bill Jul 10, 2024