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Ecovet Eco - Epilep Liquid

Rating 5/5 based on 1 Reviews

Price Starts From $23.65

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Eco-Vet Eco-Epilep Liquid

Eco-Vet Eco-Epilep Liquid is a natural herbal supplement indicated for assistance in the treatment of epilepsy and neurological disorders such as concussion, convulsions, and fits. This powerful formula is designed to help manage seizures, and head & spinal injuries and reduce the frequency of attacks, giving your beloved pet the relief they deserve. Made with all-natural ingredients in a chemical-free liquid solution, it is safe, effective, and easy to administer. Ideal for use as an adjuvant in assisting various health conditions, this liquid treatment provides long-term relief from epilepsy, allowing your pet to live its best life.

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Amazing herbal remedy

Very easy to use and effective for various health related problems

Miles Jun 08, 2023