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Ecovet Eco - Heal Liquid

Rating 5/5 based on 1 Reviews

Price Starts From $23.65

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Eco-Vet Eco-Heal Herbal Remedy

Eco-Heal is an oral homeopathic remedy indicated for pain relief and first aid for various acute and chronic conditions in animals. It provides relief for a wide range of conditions like pain, inflammation, fever, emotional upset, shock, anxiety, etc.

ECO-Heal is recommended for:

  • Healing of abrasions, minor cuts, superficial animal bites, and injuries affecting the bones and joints
  • Resolution of superficial abscesses such as from animal bites
  • Healing of pain and inflammation associated with joint injuries, strains, sprains, stiffness, and muscular cramps
  • Treatment of acute and chronic lameness
  • Healing the pain associated with osteoarthritis
  • Relieving inflammation of the respiratory tract including blocked nose, sore throat, and tracheitis
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Nice product

Healed my dog's wounds effectively.

Taylor Jun 08, 2023