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Ecovet Eco - Joint Liquid

Rating 4/5 based on 1 Reviews

Price Starts From $23.65

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Eco-Vet Eco-Joint Liquid

Eco-Vet has formulated an oral homeopathic treatment- Eco-Joint, to treat acute and chronic muscle and joint conditions in various animals. It relieves joint strains, acute and chronic synovitis, and bursitis. This treatment has also been shown to aid recovery during muscular cramps and spasms. It can be used right before commencing hard exercises to protect against soft tissue injuries and for immediate use after hard exercise supports recovery. Moreover, homeopathic treatment can be used to provide relief from fetlock swelling, hock distention, hock strain, and chronic spavin.

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Great relief

helps in relieving muscle cramps and pain

Justin Jun 10, 2023