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Rating 5/5 based on 2 Reviews

Price Starts From $32.45

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Paw DigestiCare for Dogs and Cats

Paw DigestiCare Powder is a powerful solution to maintain the ideal gastrointestinal health in dogs and cats. This easy-to-administer powdered formula optimizes the gastrointestinal microbiome and promotes an excellent digestive system and overall well-being. With the support of Bacillus subtilis and licheniformis, Paw DigestiCare effectively addresses chronic diarrhea and improves stool quality in dogs.

The daily supplementation of the right dose nurtures healthy gut flora, reduces fecal odor, and improves nutrient absorption. With optimal amino acid utilization, it improves metabolism and aids in tissue repair, and the increased gut fermentation activity improves the overall digestive system. Inspired by nature and developed by veterinarians, Paw DigestiCare proves to be a comprehensive solution that provides ideal gut health.

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Works Well

The treatment works very well indeed.

Debbie Aug 04, 2024

Good product

My pet's gastrointestinal health has been balanced ever since I started using this.

Rose Jul 10, 2024